Siouxland Republican Women is a diverse group of women and men committed to educating the public about politics, policies, and the people making the decisions that shape our state and country.
Now more than ever we need you to become involved! We welcome you to join us for an upcoming meeting we meet every 3rd Monday of the month at Scheels on 41st Street in their training rooms on the second floor.

Share your ideas, concerns, and discover how you can take action to make a difference in our local, state, and national politics.

Reasons to become a Siouxland republican member

1.  You'll learn the party platform.

2.  You'll better understand the procedures and policies that influence and determine the decisions that are made locally and state-wide.

3.  You'll gain better understanding and insight to the amendments on the next ballot.

4.  You can come hear from experts, legislators, and great speakers at our educational meetings each month.

5.  You can ask anything about politics in a safe environment.

6.  You can feel more connected to policy decisions.  You can impact policy changes, events, and the votes of our legislators when you associate with action-oriented people.

7.  You'll meet great people and network with like-minded people.

8.  All our dues stay local, and it's only $20 for a year’s membership.

Become a Member

If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and one of our staff members will get back to you.